1. Sympathetic nervous system constrict the arteri
Carbon Footprint Activity Pandemic
Watch the Extra Credit video to learn how to fill out and submit this Carbon Footprint Worksheet for +4 extra credit for written assignments.
due: Sunday, May 1 @ 11:59 PM
1) Household energy usage: a. items like televisions, computers, and electronics use power when plugged in, even if turned off b. if you don’t cook/do laundry/vacuum/etc ASK whoever does this activity in your household to get figures Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E Column F Item Watts/hr Hrs per day used? Minutes/day divide by 60 (5 min shower / 60 min = . hrs/day) Days per year used in home 365 days – whole year 183 days – ½ year 130 = 2-3 times per week 90 days – 3 months 52 = once per week 12 = once per month Watts hr / year Multiply Column B x Column C x Column D Kilowatts hr / year Column E divided by 1,000